I AM the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. (Song of Solomon 2:1)
What precious words from the voice of a poet. She mentions the rose's regalness, its loveliness, its purpose, its matchlessness, its sanctity. What a wonderful image of one of God's creations. Just by looking into the depth of a rose, she knows it's God's gift. Man could never create something so awesome, sensational, and amazing. Only God.
What a wonderful verse in the Song of Songs! It starts with I AM. Those two words tell me that's Him. God told Moses, "I AM THAT I AM." (Exodus 3:14) That means He's God all by himself. He's not looking for me to make him God and He's not looking for you to make him God. He's God all by Himself! He said, "I AM the water, I AM the bread, I AM the door, I AM shepherd, I AM the way, I AM the truth, I AM the life, and I AM the rose of Sharon." He was born of a virgin, spotless and faultless without sin. He left His throne in glory and condescended to this sin-filled world with one purpose, to seek and save that which is lost. He was born to die for your sins, for my sins. O what a Savior!
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