Friday, June 5, 2009

Signs and Wonders

Imagine this. You are riding with a friend. He is driving way too fast down an unfamiliar road. You hold onto the dash, the door, or anything to help you feel just a little more stable. He speeds past a bright yellow sign that only you notice. It reads "Caution." It seems like he speeds up instead of slowing down. You see another bright yellow sign coming up. It reads "Road Closed." This time, your friend reads the sign, but dismisses it as superstition. He never slows down. He never looks back. He just pushes ahead. Staying the course. He blows through a barrier of orange and white wood with a big sign that emphatically reads "BRIDGE OUT." He shouts, "And just how would they know?!" And ultimately, you both careen over the edge.

Slow down. High voltage. Deer Xing. Low shoulder. Yield. One Way. Do Not Enter. Stay off the grass.

Signs are there for a reason. Signs have been strategically placed by a group of people who have been at the point of no return. They know the danger ahead and they want to warn you of the oncoming hazard that you have not yet seen. They know what's ahead and they care enough to warn you of the trouble you are headed towards so that you may not be taken by surprise. They know. Signs are not there to give headaches, irritate, or annoy. And signs are not meant to be ignored. They have very specific purposes.

Someone loves you enough to warn you of the hazard ahead.

God has placed road signs on our path throughout this world. They are called preachers. They are not meant to give headaches, irritate, or annoy. And they are not meant to be ignored. God has given them insight and purpose. God loves you so much that He has placed signs along the path to alert, to caution, to exhort, to guide, to instruct, to admonish, to urge, to signal.

In the story above, you may think of the driver as foolish to ignore the road signs. But what about the everyday non-Christian, who ignores the preacher? Who ignores the witness? Who shrugs off the Bible as superstitious? Who discounts testimonies as pretentious? Like the driver who disregarded the road signs, the unsaved choose to pay no mind to God's signs.

Why won't they listen?

Read Romans 10:13-15

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