All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. -2Tim 3:16-17
America is a blessed country. The Word of God is abundantly available in print, audio, and even video. This is not readily so in all countries. Most American households have bibles on their bookshelves, on their phones, and on their computers. We have Matthew Henry's, John Darby's, and John Gill's commentaries. We have Scofield Reference Notes, The Treasury of David, and Wesley's Explanatory Notes. But, we too, like the old song says, are guilty of 'dust on the Bible, dust on the holy Word.'
The Bible is like a parachute; it doesn't work unless it's opened.
A skydiver nervously gears up for his next jump. He checks all of his equipment making sure all is operating correctly and packed neatly and tight. He checks the weather report to make sure that all is clear. He boards the plane and as they take off, he double checks his equipment. Why? Because his life is on the line. At 14,000 feet, the skydiver prepares to jump. He launches his body out the door of the plane. All he hears is the rush of wind. He takes note of the beautiful scenery below. He falls to earth. He keeps falling and falling and falling. He mindfully reviews the training he received on basic skydiving. He falls seemingly quicker. The once small objects below are now looming larger. He keeps falling and falling and finally, poof! (or maybe POW!) he smashes into the ground with great velocity. What happened? What did he forget? After all of the tedious preparations, after all of the pre-checks, checks, double checks, and triple checks, it boils down to this for our skydiver: if the parachute is not opened, it won't work.
The Bible: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. We can prepare and prepare for parting this world. We can check, double check, and triple check our 'must-do' lists. But, if we don't pull the cord, it won't work. If we don't open our Bibles and follow God's instruction, all of our lists will be in vain.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God , a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(2Tim3:15)" Why stress this? Like the skydiver, your life is on the line.
So when you are reviewing your lists and making preparations, don't forget to pull the cord.
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