Are you tired? Jesus says, "Come unto me." Are you weary? Jesus says, "Come unto me." Are you burdened down? Jesus says, "Come unto me." Are you distressed? Jesus says, "Come unto me." Are you pooped? Played out? Are you fed up? Fatigued? Are you beat? Are you broken? Worn out? Tuckered out? Burned out? Are you done for? Done in? Jesus says, "Come unto me."
"Come unto me...and I will give you rest." There's rest in Jesus. In this world of hustle and bustle, running to and fro, candles burning on both ends, Jesus says, "I will give you rest." In this sin filled world, there's rest in Jesus. Proverbs 13:15 states that the way of a transgressor is hard. Sin brings you down, physically, mentally, and of course spiritually. It's a hard path to trudge along. But, there's rest in Jesus.
Ah, rest, sweet rest! Without proper rest, we become tired and empty. Jesus loves us too much to want us tired and empty. Rest. Peace. There's peace in Jesus. Away from the path of the transgressor, there's peace in Jesus.
But, look at verse 29, Jesus talks about a yoke. A yoke is a wooden beam which is used between a pair of oxen to allow them to pull a load. Jesus was talking about rest, then He switched the statement to work. Wait a minute here...
Consider this: This rest, the Lord Jesus is talking about, is not rest from work, but rest in work. How is this possible, you ask? This is accomplished by eliminating work that isn't eternally significant and replacing it with work that is eternally significant. How do we find eternally significant work? Obey the Word of God. How do we get it? Come to Jesus.
His yoke is easy. His yoke will fit perfect for the task at hand. His yoke will fit perfect if we allow ourselves to be conformed to His will. If we do not allow any change to take place, we will be as hard as the wood beams it takes to control oxen.
His burden is light. Burdens? Remember, Jesus does not promise to free us of burdens, but to replace them with burdens that are light. Now, you say, Preacher, you don't know my burdens! And you're right; however, with Jesus, there is a peace inside and just knowing that He is there with us each and every step makes any burden a little lighter. Knowing that all things work together to the good for them that love the Lord makes any burden bearable. Knowing that we can cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us, makes any burden light.
Jesus says, "Come unto me." He's inviting you. It's an invitation from this hard world we struggle through to a better way. "I will give you rest."