Man, I'm tired! Sometimes, I get physically tired after exerting my body to do physical work. Sometimes, I am mentally tired after exerting my brain for whatever that is worth. Regardless, tired is tired. Exhausted is exhausted. And it can be disabling. God gives us a way to cope with physical and mental tiredness and recoup by sleeping and rest, but how do we deal with spiritual exhaustion?
Spiritual exhaustion? Yes, there's even a spiritual tiredness. Pastors trying to deal with members fighting against what God has instructed. Sunday school teachers trying to deal with unruly kids. Door after door being slammed in your face when trying to witness. Trials upon trials, troubles upon troubles, valleys upon valleys, yes, there is spiritual exhaustion. Maybe you've been fighting for so long, believing things will get better eventually, but now you're tired. You've obeyed God and put yourself out there to do the Lord's work, but you're not sure if anybody is receiving it. Spiritual exhaustion.
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that
have no might he increaseth strength. -Isaiah 40:29
There's encouragement, right there. He gives power to you when you are weak. Amen? Amen. And when you feel like you just can't go any further, when you feel you can't take another step, He increases your strength. When you go and go and go, when you do and do and do, you are bound to get tired and worn out. But, I like verse 31, "Wait upon the Lord!" God will renew your strength. Renew means to make new again. When you renew a passport, you add more time to it. When you renew a magazine subscription, you add more time to it. When you renew a partnership, you extend agreement. When you renew your membership, you add more time to it. When we wait upon the Lord, He will renew our strength. I stand on that promise, don't you?
And I really like what it says next, "they shall mount up with wings as eagles." Where you were once walking and trudging along, now you're going to mount up with wings. And not just any wings, but eagle wings! Soaring wings! Majestic and graceful wings! For those times you must run, you will run and not get weary. For those times you have to walk, you will walk and not grow faint. Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you beat up? Beat down? Are you treading water and nobody seems to care. God cares!
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. - 1 Peter 5:7
God cares for you. He cares that you get tired. He cares that you are exhausted. God cares! Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength. He cares! He wants you to soar. Press on, it won't be very long.
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