This is the day the Lord has made - The Day of Atonement. There has never been a day like it before and there will never be another day like it ever again. It's the day that all of eternity past has looked forward to and it's the day that eternity future will never forget. It's the day of prophecy. It's the day of promise. It's the day that the sovereign God of creation had designed from the get-go. The fall of man, in the garden, did not take God by surprise. The Garrison did not take God by surprise. Golgotha did not take God by surprise. No, God Almighty foreseen this and provisioned a way. It's the day of God's design.
It is the day of Sovereign Design. I can imagine when God formed the world with His own hands, He molded mountains and valleys, He scooped oceans and canyons, He formed glaciers and deserts. I imagine He shed tears when He formed Mount Calvary because He knew that His only begotten would, one day, take on sin, bleed, and die for a multitude of sinners, like you and me. But, it was necessary, it was God's plan.It is a day of hope for the hopeless. It is a day God, the creator, designed out of love for the creature, me and you. God loves you, so He made a way! It is the day of sovereign design.
It is the day of Satan's Defeat. Seeing Jesus beaten, nailed to a cross, bleeding, Satan thought he had the victory in his pocket. When the Roman soldiers were scourging Jesus, Satan was whispering in their ears, "Kill him! Kill him!" When Jesus was hanging on the cross, Satan was saying, "I got him, now!" But, I wonder if Satan realized that prophecy was being fulfilled.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. -Genesis 3:15
Yes, way back in Genesis, Jesus was fulfilling this prophecy. Calvary bruised the head of the old serpent. It is the day of Satan's defeat. Calvary was where the victory was won.
It is the day of the Saints Delight. Rejoice! And be Glad in it! He does for us what we cannot do for ourselves! He made a way when there was not a way. Praise His name for His grace, His love, and His mercy! If we got what we deserved, we would be on our way to that awful place called Hell. Lost, separated from God forever. But, God made a way.
Jesus gives us three parables in Luke 15. The parable of the lost and found sheep, the parable of the lost and found coin, and the parable of the lost and found son (the prodigal son). In each parable, something that was lost was eventually found. Praise God. After each was found, each rejoiced!
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me... I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.
Are you saved? If so, REJOICE! If not, this day could be your day. The bible says that Now is the time for salvation. Now. This could be your day.
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