Heaven is a real place. A real city. A real destination. Heaven is waiting for the child of God at the end of this journey. Here are some quotes from a variety of sources, but all are about that home on high called Heaven. Enjoy!
We belong someplace. The day we are given a name we are also given a place which no one but we can fill. - Maya Angelou
Cartoonist Arthur Brisbane once pictured a crowd of grieving caterpillars carrying the corpse of a cocoon to its final resting place. The poor, distressed caterpillars, clad in black raiment, were weeping, and all the while the beautiful butterfly fluttered happily above the muck and the mire of Earth, forever freed from its earthly shell.Needless to say, Brisbane had the average funeral in mind and sought to convey the idea that when our loved ones pass, it is foolish to remember only the cocoon and concentrate our attention on the remains, while forgetting the bright butterfly.
"Surely it is not wrong for us to think and talk about Heaven. I like to find out all I can about it. I expect to live there through all eternity. If I were going to dwell in any place in this country, if I were going to make it my home, I would inquire about its climate, about the neighbors I would have -- about everything, in fact, that I could learn concerning it. If soon you were going to emigrate, that is the way you would feel. Well, we are all going to emigrate in a very little while. We are going to spend eternity in another world. … Is it not natural that we should look and listen and try to find out who is already there and what is the route to take?"--Dwight L. Moody
"If we really understood Heaven, we would be most unhappy and unsatisfied with life on Earth. We would rebel against our earthly limitations. If we saw Heaven, we could not bear this earth. That's why Heaven is forever: we cannot bear to leave it after we get there.----C.L. Allen
"Death is but a passage out of a prison into a palace."--Anonymous
The paradise that God has prepared for us, the marvelous Heavenly City, is clearly and explicitly described in His Holy Book, the Bible, in the last two chapters of Revelation, the prophecies of Saint John. It is so amazing, so breathtakingly beautiful, that it is almost beyond description!It is the largest City ever built, built by God Himself! It is 1,500 miles wide and 1,500 miles high. It glows with golden light from its crystal golden beauty and is full of golden mansions for you and me!The streets are made of scintillating crystal-clear gold. It is surrounded by a very high wall with twelve pearly gates. This is to prevent the entry of any who are not yet ready to enter therein.Within its shimmering gates is the Paradise of God, where the River of Life winds gracefully through lush parks where laughing children and gentle animals play -- and where departed loved ones await our coming!--David Brandt Berg
"Heaven'll be our last move!--No baggage, no luggage, no hard journey, no packing, no long travel! It may be a long way, but it may be closer than you think! --David Brandt Berg
"You live on earth only for a few short years which you call an incarnation, and then you leave your body as an outworn dress and go for refreshment to your true home in the spirit." - White Eagle
"Here, joy begins to enter into us; there, we enter into joy.--Anonymous
God conceals from men the happiness of death that they may endure life.--Anonymous
"Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal."--Thomas Moore
"Because I live, ye shall live also."--Jesus, (John 14:19)
"When I die, do not sound taps over my grave, but reveille -- the morning call, the summons to rise."-- A soldier
The English scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) is considered to have been one of the greatest experimental physicists. When Faraday was questioned on his speculations of a life after death, he replied:"Speculations? I know nothing about speculations. I'm resting on certainties. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, I shall live also."
"We shall not rest from our work but from our labours. There will be no toil, no pain in the work. --Anonymous
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