Two balloons. Identical in size and weight. One green, one blue. The green one is filled with air. The blue one is filled with helium. Both balloons are thrown into the air.
What happens?
The green balloon falls, while the the blue balloon rises. Why? Why do two balloons, which appear to be the same on the outside, react so differently when tossed into the air?
Basic science. The one filled with hot air will fall to the ground, while the one with helium will rise. Helium rises because it is less dense than the air. Science.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it
is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. -Ephesians
Salvation is like these two balloons. If we want to rise to heaven rather than fall into the depths of hell, we need something special on the inside. If we want to rise like the helium-filled balloon and not fall like the hot air-filled balloon, we need something special on the inside. If we try to save ourselves, like the balloon filled with the hot air, we will fall and spend eternity separated from God. But, if we accept the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, like the blue balloon accepted the helium, we will rise to spend eternity with Christ in heaven.
Salvation is a gift. It is a gift of grace, of love, of mercy. You are not saved because of your financial status. You are not saved because of your good looks. You are not saved on the basis of how nice and fair you've treated others. Salvation is offered because of His grace, love, and mercy.
If I gave you a $100 bill as a gift, you would have to accept it to possess it. Right? If you did not accept it, you would not have it. If you accepted it, you would put it in your pocket and walk away $100 richer; however, if you did not accept it, I would put it in my pocket and neither one of us would change in status. Salvation is a free gift. You don't have to work for it. You don't have to bargain for it. You don't have to pay for it. It has already been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. All you have to do is accept it.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. -Romans 10:9
You have no promise of tomorrow. The Bible says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Are you prepared? Are you saved? If not, confess that Jesus is Lord and God raised Him from the dead and Romans 10:9 says you shall be saved. If you pray and get saved, email me and give me the good news! I pray that you will. I pray that you will rise up like the blue helium-filled balloon.
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